How can I create a Bezier Curve?

How can I create a bezier curve with N number of points?

quick google search;

2 points = linear
3 points = quadratic
4 points = cubic

no no no
i mean it can have 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100… like in blender yknow like in blender you create a curve with many points i want that.

this is #help-and-feedback:scripting-support , you might want to move this to #help-and-feedback:building-support or #help-and-feedback:art-design-support

i found this video which explains how to create curves in blender:

Not too sure what you mean but here is a demo of bezier curves I’ve made in roblox, it’s uncopylocked and you click a part to equip it then move it and e to unequip.

no no not in blender bruh blender-like curves in roblox


bro i just told you :skull:


bro i also just told you :skull: let me put this into one piece and tell you again:

“Blender like Bezier Curves in Roblox with infinite number of points to make circles and other shapes.”

What you said:
Bezier for 2,3,4 points and In blender not IN ROBLOX.

sadly no it didnt help. rip.

does this looks like blender to you

it is also for 2,3,4 as i just checked

you can just use multiple of those
(read the bezier paths section if you want to render it)

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Just use blender it has better performance, Better Curves, and Better shading.

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you see i need it for a plugin for myself… not for others because i dont want to get critisized.

Can you clarify a bit more I did not understand.

i am making a road plugin ok? in which I will use bezier curves to make roads and the roads will have many points as you know. so I need a bezier curve system which can do that. and i dont want to use blender as i am not gonna make every possible road type in existence that would take forever… literally. I have came up with a idea that looks like this:

but as you can see those little uhh pointy thingys are absolute nightmare for anyone.

TL;DR too lame didnt read.
i wont use blender and the above image is what i have came up with. and I am making a road plugin.

Oh, I see what you mean. If that’s the case, I’m afraid I can’t help you.

With the documentation @Artzified provided is enough to build your plugin that creates part shaped with handles to modify. Just read it and understand it.

And theres many post about this topic with good examples and approaches, try the modules out there too, I did learn lots from this module when I did read it carefully:


thank you peashie very cool :+1:

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