My server event code seems to work fine upto some point but it will pause at one line and then resume a few seconds later???
:UnionAsync() seems to be causing the problems
I tried looking it up on google, no results concerning my problem.
replicatedStorage.DrawingFinish.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, drawingData)
local playerCar = player.PlayerCar.Value
local back_Wheel1 = playerCar.backWheel1
local back_WheelCFrame = back_Wheel1.CFrame
local object = {}
for i,v in drawingData do
print('Lookping through drawing data......... ' .. tostring(i))
table.insert(object, Instance_Parts(v, playerCar.backWheel1))
print('FInished looping')
local wheel = back_Wheel1:UnionAsync(object)
print('Made a uniom')
wheel.Parent = playerCar
print('Put it in the car')
wheel.CFrame = back_WheelCFrame
print("Set the cframe")
print('Union event ended')
for i,v in object do
everything upto print(‘FInished looping’) runs fine, it prints it out, the Instance_Parts function works properly.
Then it pauses for a few seconds to then continue on with the script.
Script is located in serer script service