Help with chained M1s

I’m trying to make a chained m1 system for my sword and I don’t know how
I can get a chain of 2 to work but not three
I’ve looked through the devforum and YouTube but i cant find an answer that helps

function activated()
	if not Tool.Enabled or not ToolEquipped or not CheckIfAlive() then
	Tool.Enabled = false
	local Tick = RunService.Stepped:wait()
	if (Tick - LastAttack < 0.2) then
	elseif  ("I have nothing here because I don't know what to put") then
	LastAttack = Tick

there is more to that code but it isn’t relevant to the issue

You could store a number variable called ComboChain, which would start at 0.
Whenever the player swings in (as your script does) 0.2 seconds since the last attack, increment that counter by 1 and execute the function that corresponds to the combo chain, otherwise if the player clicks too late - reset it back to 0.

Additionally, the way of obtaining tick() here is not ideal because it requires you to yield the script for one frame: consider using tick() instead of that.

I don’t understand this, you said to use Tick() instead of Tick()?

I apologize for the poor wording, the way you obtain the variable “Tick” is:

local Tick = RunService.Stepped:wait()

That is not ideal because RunService.Stepped only runs once per frame (60 times per second), instead you could just do

local Tick = tick()

to avoid the unnecessary code yield

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