Help with Model Orientation

Hello, I want to know how I can make a model to face 90, 180, 270, or 360 degrees, I want to make the Event choose a random rotation and spawn in facing that direction.

Here is a sample of the Events Code:

-- // Building
	elseif event == 5 then
		local Wedge = Events.Building.Wedge:Clone()
		local position =, 203), 8, math.random(-203, 214))
		local cf =
		Wedge.Parent = workspace.Generated

How can I get the model to face a random direction?

Knowing what’s the error would be very very helpful. Just saying “Hey I have an error how do I fix it?” isn’t enough to know what’s happening.

I can’t exactly remember what I did to get the error, I don’t remember what the error wasa in specific but I think it had to do with Orientation not being a member of the model

A model as no orientation, parts have. That may be confusing because in studio you can flip them with the orientation property but in script it doesn’t exist. Use for example :PivotTo().

First of all, if you want to transform a Vector3 orientation into a CFrame. You gotta use CFrame.Angles, implementing it is very easy, imagine this vector:, 0, 45)

Let’s say we want to turn it into a CFrame.Angles, easy!:

CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 0, math.rad(45))

Now if you want to generate a random rotation that can vary from 90, 180, 270 and 360. It’s easy! You can use the modulus (%) operator, which is like a division (/), but it instead returns the rest of the division.

-- generate a random number that can be: 90, 180, 270 or 360:
local randomNumber = math.random(0, 360)

local result = math.floor(randomNumber - randomNumber%90)

result being the number you’re searching for.

Now just hook this number up to CFrame.Angles inside your PivotTo function and you’re done!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that if you want to add a CFrame.Angles to a CFrame, you gotta multiply it this way: * CFrame.Angles()
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I tried this but I get an error saying “Unable to cast Vector3 to CoordinateFrame”

Here is the code I used

-- // Building
	elseif event == 5 then
		local Wedge = Events.Building.Wedge:Clone()
		local position =, 203), 8, math.random(-203, 214)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 8, math.rad(45))
		local cf =
		Wedge.Parent = workspace.Generated

Sorry for the late reply, but in the code you attached, you’re trying to turn a CFrame into a Vector3. Not only that this method completely removes the CFrame’s orientation but it also isn’t compatible with PivotTo. Here’s a fixed version of your code:

-- // Building
	elseif event == 5 then
		local Wedge = Events.Building.Wedge:Clone()
		local position =, 203), 8, math.random(-203, 214)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), 8, math.rad(45))
		Wedge.Parent = workspace.Generated

That’s the version that prevents the error from occuring. However as you were searching for a “random orientation only in 90, 180, 270 and 360” this is its final code:

-- // Building
	elseif event == 5 then
		local Wedge = Events.Building.Wedge:Clone()

		local RandomNumber = math.random(0, 360)
		RandomNumber = math.floor(RandomNumber - RandomNumber%90)

		local position =, 203), 8, math.random(-203, 214)) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(RandomNumber), 0)
		Wedge.Parent = workspace.Generated

If you have any doubt, please tell me

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Very sorry, for the mistake, I’ve been learning all this, it all works well now thank you for your help!

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