Shapecast bug/issue

Hello everyone!
Recently I’ve been working on my project. I tried to use new function called “Shapecast”.
So, I wanted to make when you jump, you jump inertia and if you hit something you would stop moving.
I did jump inertia and stop when you hit walls. Yes, only walls. When I try to hit something else… well… I crash.
Here is the clip of it:

Am I doing something wrong or it’s a Shapecast bug?

I experienced this as well.

In short, spherecasts are not that performant especially if you are running it in a loop. I experienced this in my game where it would immediately crash when it loaded because of spherecasts. I had to switch to just using regular raycasts after that.

I think it’s also weird that it’s only happening on objects other than walls. Can you provide a snippet of code that shows this spherecast?

Sorry for the late reply, wasn’t at home all day but here is my code:

local hit = false
	while is_flying do
		if not hit then
			--local result = workspace:Raycast(hrp.Position,jump_direction_3d*1.5,raycastParams)
			local result = workspace:Blockcast(hrp.CFrame,hrp.Size,jump_direction_3d,raycastParams)
			if result and result.Instance then
				jump_inertia.PlaneVelocity =
				hit = true

(Comment is just raycast usage)
And seems like shapecasting is not a good option when it comes to loops.

Uuhhh ShapeCasts aren’t good for performance, stick to normal raycasts for performance

Why did you steal the parkour map? I’m not angry, Im just curious, as a Parkour Player (the game by Hudzell)

I assume they are using it as a placeholder/testing place before they make their own maps. I do that as well

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I didn’t steal the map, just a placeholder, you can get it for free from toolbox. And from what I remember hudzell said that he doesn’t own the first version of the map.