Help i got [Important] Right to Erasure - Action Requested

i got [Important] Right to Erasure - Action Requested message on my game can you guys help me how to fix it???

i dont know where im must post this topic so i choose Scripting support

Just delete that player ID from your Datastores. RemoveAsync()

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how to do it?? can you teach me how to delete Specific USER ID

Sure, depends how are you saving the player’s data in your game.
How many Datastores you have in your game? you created them? you know what are you saving?

If not, could you press Control+Shift+F and look for the word DatastoreService in your game?

Check the datastores and find where SetAsync is used and how the index is for the player

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I think you can run commands in Roblox studio to alter datastore a like adding and removing players and altering their data for the game

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uh im not creating data store but i will try

You mean, you dont have any Datastore in your game?

If your game has none datastores, then you dont have to worry about the right to erasure request


yes i dont have datastores on my game

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