Bullet penetration in the wrong direction

I was working on a gun.
Tried to implement a penetrating feature, this happened:

Not penetrating works perfectly fine.

Yeah, i tried editing my code. Like for the second raycast after penetrating, I used the gun position to start the raycast and little stuff like that which didnt fix the problem.

This is the raycast function

local function createRaycast(blackList , bulletOut, direction, distance)
	-- Raycast params
	local rayCastParams = RaycastParams.new()
	rayCastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
	rayCastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = blackList

	-- Create Raycast and return it
	local rayCast = workspace:Raycast(bulletOut, direction * distance, rayCastParams) or {["Position"] = direction * distance}
	return rayCast

This is how I will make another raycast if the raycast hits a penetrateable object.

	local newRaycast = createRaycast(ignore, oldRayCast.Position, direction, newDistance)
					bullet.bulletTrail(oldRayCast.Position, newRaycast.Position)