Thank you massage after robux buy

How can I make a system like this in the video
And when I buy the gamepass a gui open and it says thank you

(Like in pet simulator x)

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I can’t make that I need a full Explanation what I need to do

game:GetService("MarketplaceService").PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished:Connect(player, passId, didBuy)
   if(didBuy) then -- check if the purchase was successful
     -- do a thing

Yea thank you but I need a gui that opens after a successful purchase like in the video

I can’t give you a gui, that’s something you have to make. When you make the gui, set it’s Visible property to false (or off), then, set it set it to true when they buy the gamepass:

game:GetService("MarketplaceService").PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished:Connect(player, passId, didBuy)
   if(didBuy) then
     ThankYouPurchaseGui.Visible = true;
     -- `ThankYouPurchaseGui` would be the gui you created that should be displayed after the player buys the gamepass

Are using a pcall(function() to test if the transaction worked? If so, right there you can trigger a custom Gui that looks just like that made yourself.

If not I can show you one you can add to …


Thank you for helping :slightly_smiling_face::+1:t2::+1:t2: I try it out