Is there any way to script randomized terrain?

Here was my idea, instead of every server having a uniform terrain, what if each server had a different terrain? I know there are tools implemented in Roblox studio that will make a random terrain, but i feel like having each server be a unique experience would make a huge impact on the game’s quality.

What I was thinking of was a map creating service similar to Armored patrol. Is this still possible?

Sure, the map generation is easily possible. I’m not going to program it for you, of course, but it’s certainly possible if Armored Patrol can do it.

As for the terrain being unique in every separate instance of the game, just set the seed of your random generation function to a value that is uniquely tied to that server. That way, every server has its own random generation. If you are just wanting the terrain to be random for every round or what have you, no seeding is really necessary.

Every server will be active for 30 days, would I still need seeding for that?

No, you would just need to set the seed of the Random function you’d use.

The seed will stay the same assuming the same instance of Random is used and the server doesn’t get shutdown.

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