How do I make network ownership zone smaller?

As we can see on this screenshot the default network ownership zone is massive:

So is there a way to make it smaller so exploiters cant reach things from the other side of the map.
(Im not sure if its the right category)

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If network ownership is set to default, that means it is owned by the server.

Exploiters can set their distance to whatever they want. However, you can call Part:SetNetworkOwner() with no arguments to make the part always handled by the server. This may only be called on an unanchored part.


The server always owns anchored parts by default. The first player closest to an unanchored part however will automatically have ownership of it.

By using Part:SetNetworkOwner(nil) the server will then have ownership of that part meaning exploiters cannot alter it for anyone else in the game.

I thought its possible to limit the distance but looks like SetNetworkOwnership is the only way

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