How to check if a friend within the same game is in a Reserve Server or Public Server

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want the player to be able to join a friend’s server depending if it’s a reserve server or a public server.

  2. What is the issue?
    I don’t exactly know how I can approach this or how I could check the following.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I have checked the developer hub, but there are no specific questions that are similar to what I asked. What I have so far is storing the server key and private server id into a datastore so the player can teleport to the reserve server of their friend, but if I want them to teleport to their friend in a public server, I do not know how to check if they are in a public server.


I got some updates which I believe puts me closer to the solution, but I still cannot identify what server the friend is in. Right now, I am thinking of catching the teleport error with pcall, however, it seems to end the code right there and then.

TBH, pretty sure there’s a good service for short term saving, in regards to JobIds or ReservedServerTokens is Memory Store Service.

I guess the basic idea would be to set the player’s current job id, and if it has a reserved server id (or the server they’re joining is one), you’d save it on the memory store service. I’ve not done a whole lot with this service at all but pretty sure you might be able to do what you’re looking for with it.

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