Is it possible to make hollow cylinder with changable hole size?

Hello devs. I’m trying to make building game. One of many parts I want to add is hollow cylinder. But if I’ll add mesh, it’s hole will resize along with mesh, so I can’t say what’s hole size exactly. Is there any way to make it more flexible, so if I’ll type in some property 2, then cylinder hole radius will be 2 studs?
(Example of what I want achieve, red lines are just for visualisation)

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You could use Unions, but they wont be as smooth as meshes. Unions however can be created on the fly meaning you can change the size of the inner cylinder to change the size of the hole:


The best way to do this is toprobably use unionOperations and play with the :SubtractAsync() function…

Here’s a reference from the roblox api:

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