Ways to smoothly transition ambient audio?

I haven’t seen any good resources on this, as all of the tutorials on YouTube are much more rudimentary and do not allow for smooth transitions between ambient sounds. Similarly, the way some of them worked involved creating a Region3 and checking infinitely to see whether or not the player had entered the region, being clearly inefficient. I understand the concept of creating a “crossfade” of sorts by using tweens, but the issue is efficiently and smoothly changing sounds depending on the region the player is in. Thanks in advance!

What are you specifically having issues with? For checking if a player is within a certain region, it depends on what the region size is. If you want to make the regions an area in a sphere, use a magnitude check from the players primary part to every point you want to check. But if your regions square (using a box area) maybe a GetPartBoundsInBox check would be useful. And use a while loop or a heartbeat loop to check every 0.2 seconds or so what area the player is in

Last time I made a Region3-based ambient sound script, it would have a hard transition between sounds. I found a fix, but it was incredibly bloated and cumbersome. I’m sure there’s a better way out there to do it. I’m just looking for a tutorial or resource that can help me create a system that has these smooth, tweened transitions between sounds whilst also not lagging my game with thousands of requests per minute. Your heartbeat suggestion is probably my best bet for that, I’ll try looking into it later!

The way I do it is by using a queue, and every time the players region changes, a new sound is added to the queue, which then starts going down the list and transitioning from sound to sound in the queue until there’s no sound left (current sound for that area). And I’d probably use a while loop with a task.wait(0.2).

I’m confused why I’d need a “queue” of sorts in this case. I’d just be transitioning from one sound to another; not sure if your system is more complex than mine or if I’m just misunderstanding!

Well you don’t need a queue, that’s just what I did because it seemed like the easiest way to organize the transitions if there are multiple sounds that you need to play in order of entrance into the zone

How are the ‘regions’ set up? Are they rooms, sections of a map, the difference between air, water and on land?

You can just put the Sound inside a Part, resize the Part to smaller than the area (if they are rectangular or round) and play with the RollOffMinDistance and RollOffMaxDistance numbers.
Basically the sound plays full volume inside the Part, and as you move away from the Part the volume decreases acccording to those and other Properties. You can make the sound volume equal 0 at the middle distance between these Parts so the fade in and out between Parts is very smooth.
For example if you make your RollOffMinDistance 0 and the RollOffMaxDistance 10 you can place the 2 sound Parts 20 studs apart.

Way simpler if you can use it. No scripting involved!

Very simple solution lol. Just use a for loop and it be something like this:

local sound = game.Workspace.HumanoidRootPart.sound --Just an example location
local soundLength = 10 --just an example (in seconds)

local speed = 2 --Mess with this to change speed
local fadeOutTime = 5 --Mess with this to get the start time for fade in
local volume = 5 --Change to the amount you want the song to play at

local function change()
	for i = 0,math.floor(volume*10/speed),1 do
		sound.Volume += .1*speed
	wait(soundLength - fadeOutTime)
	for i = 0,math.floor(volume/speed),1 do
		sound.Volume -= .1*speed

wait(1) --Wait time before it plays
print("The sound has been played")

If you want the sound to be different for each player, just put the sound in PlayerGUI and find it in the script (I’m too lazy to add it). Hopefully this helps :slight_smile:

ALSO: For regions, just add a .Touched event for it to play before the sound.


This feels a tad cumbersome, and I don’t like using loops for this stuff, personally. I feel a tween would work better. A tween could accomplish what ~10 lines of code could do in around 3, and seems to have worked better for me in the past. Thanks for your input though!

What exactly do you need help with? The title of the post is asking how to transition ambient audios, but the actual post asks about how to detect what zone the player is in.

Also, how are tweens inefficient?

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local TS = game:GetService('TweenService')
local audio1,audio2 = --...
local fadeinduration,secondstart = 2, 1 -- Total fading duration, second when audio2 appears
local oldvol = audio1.Volume
TS:Create(audio1, Tweeninfo.new(fadeinduration), {Volume = 0}):Play()
audio2.Volume = 0
TS:Create(audio2, Tweeninfo.new(fadeinduration), {Volume = oldvol}):Play()

Mess with the values/order yourself, you can also tween playback speed if you think it would be better. Script can be way shorter obviously

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I never said tweens were inefficient, I was actually saying the exact opposite, and I wasn’t replying to you. Your method seems perfectly fine, the main issue is about the detecting the zone the player is in AND tweening the audio. Most tutorials on YouTube combine these two topics but they either don’t involve smooth audio fading or Region3’s.

add a reverb to the audio, add a slight wait to the transition, boom.

And did you try my suggestion?
No tweens, no code, no script, no calculations…

Sorry, yes I’ve used this before. It’s just not as customizable as I’d like. Being able to exactly decide what audios play where using a script is a lot easier in the long run than making individual soundparts and customizing the rolloff for each space.

Not really difficult at all. Sounds play at full volume inside each Transparent, CanCollide false Part and only drop off after you leave the Part.
If you look at the example diagram you will see that the audio in each Part (or zone) will get quieter when you leave the edge of it, gradually tapering off to nothing. As soon as it does then the audio from the edge of the next Part will start to get louder.
Remember to set the Workspace Property VolumetricAudio to Enabled. Set MinRollOff to 1 and use RollOffMode InverseTapered.

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Could you provide the current code you’re using. It would better help us understand what exactly you’re trying to achieve.

From what I’m understanding, you have a region system that instantly stops the previous music and plays the new music. You could simply tween the previous regions music volume to 0 while also tweening the current regions music volume up.

For the Region3 issue, you could flat out replace Region3 with raycasting (something like raycasting from humanoidRootPart down). As for infinite checks (I’m guessing you’re using a while true loop), you can instead just fire the raycast when the player moves (e.g via Humanoid.MoveDirection).

I’m out right now but I could whip up a demo when I’m back. Just let me know if this is what you wanted?