You can make a very simple cooldown system by using a debounce. Make two variables called debounce and cooldown. When the debounce is true, we do nothing and set the debounce to true. We then wait cooldown seconds and then set the debounce to false again. This will make the script run once, stop working, and start going again when the cooldown time has passed.
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
local cooldown = 2 -- seconds in cooldown
local debounce = false -- keeps track if the cooldown is on or off
if debounce == true then return end -- stop and do nothing if its on cooldown
debounce = true -- set the debounce to true so the line of code before this stops the code under this from running
task.wait(cooldown) -- wait for the cooldown
debounce = false -- set the debounce to false again so our script can now run