To provide more context, I have this flashlight model welded to the character’s right hand with an animation for holding it and I want to make a subtle recoil like motion for the flashlight once its turned on/off. Basically rotating it a few degrees forwards and backwards simulating a force of pressing the button on it.
My question is what is the best approach for this?
The only viable options I have thought of is tweening the weld but there could be a better way plus I am not too sure on how to do that.
The other (easier) choice that I know how to do is to have another animation that moves the lower right arm (therefore moving the flashlight welded to the right hand) but I would still want to learn about the 1st option.
I think its possible to Tween the Weld.C0 or C1, those are CFrames. So you could use for Goal parameters of the Tween, CFrame I guess, or maybe C0?
Im gonna give it a quick try.
EDIT: Yup, you can use C0 or C1 as the Goal parameters
The quick test I made (not really needed I think, but yeah…):
local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Info =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0, true)
local Goal = {C0 = script.Parent.Weld.C0 * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(30))}
warn("playing tween")
TS:Create(script.Parent.Weld, Info, Goal):Play()