Need help with tweenservice

Im trying to make a viewport frame that just shows a camera going to flip but the camerapart is only moving not the rest of the weld how do I fix it??

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera

	cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Attach
	cam.CameraSubject = workspace.CamPart

	local part = script.Parent.Parent.ViewportFrame.Model.Camera
	local tweenInfo =
	1, -- Duration

	local camopen = TweenService:Create(part,  tweenInfo, {CFrame = game.Workspace.Open.Camera.CFrame})

script.Parent.Parent.ViewportFrame.Visible = true



So the green and red buttons and the handle arent moving with it?

so im pretty sure if thats the case,
instead of tweening the camera part, tween the entire model using model.primarypart

so you could just change the part variable to

part = script.parent.parent.viewpointframe.model.primarypart

also check if ur welds are working in game by just unanchoring the camera part and the things its welded to to see if their welded correctly together.

I think a simple fix is to unanchor the parts that are now moving.