How to simulate acceleration with linear velocity?

Hello, everyone.

How do I simulate acceleration with linear velocity?
I thought I could literally just change the linear velocity speed via a calculated loop.
But can I do that while the part is moving and still have it accelerate smoothly?


Use a VectorForce object instead. Use the formula F = ma to calculate how much force is needed to achieve a certain acceleration. Basepart’s have a Mass property which you can use in your calculations.

What’s the difference between the two?

LinearVelocity applies a velocity to a given object. VectorForce apples a force to a given object. Velocity and force are two completely different things. Velocity describes how far a given object will move in a certain time. A force causes an objects velocity to change. These are very dumbed down definitions but you can think of it as LinearVelocity will cause an object to move at a constant rate but VectorForce will cause an object to move at an accelerated rate.

I see!
I also understand linear velocity is measured in studs, but is vector force?

Not really sure what the unit for vector force would be. Although, everything should “translate” to the real world. So using F=ma should work fine.

I’m trying to make a glider like mechanic. Do you think vector force works?

Yeah, VectorForce would work great for this