I’m trying to make it so there’s a limit to how many coins can spawn (CoinSpawnLimit is set to 20 right now), which works completely fine. However, I also have a script that destroys the coin whenever I touch it, which should make it so that it’s no longer at the limit and can spawn a new one, but the code still thinks that there are 20 Instances in the Coin Folder and I don’t know why. Any help is appreciated!
This is the code that finds how many Children are in the folder:
while wait(1/CSRDivider) do
if CoinLimitReached == false then
ValueName = 0
Coin = Instance.new("Part")
x = math.random(22.552, 73.784)
z = math.random(-49.377, -23.206)
Coin.Name = "Coin"
Coin.Parent = CoinFolder
Coin.Size = Vector3.new(0.536, 0.557, 0.465)
Coin.Position = Vector3.new(x, 2.24, z)
Coin.Anchored = true
Coin.CanCollide = false
if #CoinFolder:GetDescendants() >= CoinSpawnLimit then
CoinLimitReached = true
CoinLimitReached = false