Raycast based suspension with one body mover

so i have created scripted suspension using multiple body movers (1 vector force per wheel) but i know for sure this is going to get laggy
i already have an issue with low fps updates

so im asking how to make the entire thing work with only one body mover

for example:
the old system would calculate the offset of the wheel then use the damped spring formula to apply a force at the wheel’s position

im looking for a way to not apply any forces and instead using a BodyPosition and BodyGyro (i know they are deprecated, but they are easier to control)

ive done this before with a boat system using 3 points and calculating the orientation and position of a plane intersecting those 3 points
but the issue with that is it snaps it to wherever the plane is, theres no way to simulate suspension with that

so in short. how would i create a system that would use a BodyPosition + BodyGyro, to simulate vehicle suspension using 4 points (or more) from a raycast at each wheel?