Ultimate bar for fighting game

I’m not an advanced scripter, but i do know how to script stuff myself, but I couldn’t figure out how i would make an ultimate bar which consists of : a value that increases when you deal damage, and if its at its max of 200, player can activate the ultimate, and after a certain amount of time the ultimate bar value go back to 0. I am not requesting any scripts, I just need some ideas on how to make it.

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Not a great scripter.

How ever you might be able to achieve this by just adding values. Then when the total Value reaches the threshold (the ultimate) you can then have it reset when the value reaches its point.

Just an idea.

Yes, but how would i make it so it receives the damage values?

I would assume you can maybe use the Humanoid Health. You might be able to just make a script that can fetch the current players health, then after the attacker attacks, it fetches the players current health (after the attack) and then just add that to your total value.

(Once again this is just a guess and there is probably an easier way to accomplish this. So you should definitely check out places like YouTube, or search the Dev Forum for similar questions too this!)

My first approach would be using an IntValue. Keeps values separate and it’s designed for numbers.

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