Activated function not working

I am not a beginner scripter, but sometimes when I script something very simple and easy for me to understand. Sometimes it just doesn’t work. I’m putting this in a tool, when it is activated, it is supposed to print something, but its literally not working. I don’t understand what the problem is here, I don’t think I misspelled anything. Is this a bug? Or did I just didn’t notice something?

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local SummonEvent = ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("SummonUnit")

local UnitName = script.Parent.Name

local Tool = script.Parent


Are you getting any errors in the output?

Do you have a part named “Handle” in tool?


Can’t believe I didn’t notice that. Turns out I forgot to put that in. Thanks you :slight_smile:

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