Pass information from ServerScriptService to Workspace -- How?

I’ve tried remoteevents, bindableevents, and everything in between. I can’t seem to pass information from the ServerScriptService to the workspace. I need to change _G.problemSolution1 to the ‘result’ variable but also do it in the Workspace as well since that’s where I need the information to be.

This is the script inside of my ServerScriptService just to give an idea of what I’m working with. I’ve tried RemoteEvents multiple times, bindablevents, I am new to scripting and I really need to pass this information to the Workspace


  print("checking", _G.problemEditing)
  if _G.problemEditing == 0 then
  	print("yes! ", _G.problemEditing)
  	workspace.textProblem1.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = message
  	local equation = message
  	local numbers = message.split(equation, "+")
  	local num1 = tonumber(numbers[1])
  	local num2 = tonumber(numbers[2])
  	local result = num1 + num2

  	print("Result:", result)
  	_G.problemSolution1 = result
  	local problemEditing = _G.problemEditing
  	_G.problemEditing = 0


Any ideas?

I’m pretty sure using _G to create variables will already save across scripts. So generally, you wouldn’t need to use any RemoteEvents or BindableEvents.

If you want to use the data/information from another script, you have already created variables that can be accessed through other scripts.

All you have to do now is to mention that same variable using _G in the script under Workspace:

print(_G.problemEditing) -- prints the value from the script in workspace

You might be changing the value of _G.problemSolution1 to something else in the workspace script. Can you show the script in workspace? Also, I’d recommend not using _G.