How do i change the display name color?

How do I change the color of this thing?

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I think you just can’t change it.


I saw it in a video, I believe you can I just dont know how. Ill send the video if you want

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Yeha please post what you want, so we can get to know what you want.

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I VISITED THE MOST UNSETTELING ROBLOX TOWN... - YouTube If you go about to 1:44 you can see some people have color on their nametag

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(sorry its a very random video)

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That’s because of the team, it’s the teamcolor I suppose.

oh yeah that would make the most sense.

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it work yes…

Hiii :slight_smile: I saw your profile but wasnt sure it was you lol
very silly question, goofball
(also why do you wanna do this? custom names look better)

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