Is there any way to make a dynamic hollow as part rotate in client?

As it mentioned on the title, I want to make a dynamic hollow when a part rotates.

I have tried CSG as shown in script below. However, the CSG API has to be used in server, which will cause lag and a high network cost if run as rotation step goes.

So in my script I have tried to reduce the interval time of substract method while it was still not that good.
I prefer to create it only in client to avoid the cost and lag. Is there any way to make it works in client?

There is an API in testing right now that will allow for this. There are a couple of caveats with the main one being that if you do a CSG operation on client, it will not be replicated to the server


You spelled your name wrong, @BelgianBikeGuy

Iā€™m sure I have no IDEA what you mean (ignoring the edit :P)


That`s really a good news! May I ask when will it release?