Add a part to players rig with script

Hello developers! I’m trying to add a part to a players character rig when the activate a function currently I’m creating a new motor6D but this doesn’t work when i try to play an animation how else could i do this

Try using a WeldConstraint and see if that gives different results.

I the motor6D is working the problem is that the tool is being locked to the players hand

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??? I don’t understand. Isn’t this the result you want to happen?

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Nope The tool still gets locked to my hand i am trying to animate the tool and i need to slightly rotate it but i can’t do that when its locked in place

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I believe there is a property of Motor6D called “Transform” that allows you to do this.

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when I try that I get the following error

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current script:

Oh wait, it’s read-only, my bad. Try putting it inside of an attachment and see if that does anything.

The tool inside of the motor6D?

Put the Motor6D under the attachment. Also, wouldn’t setting the rotation of the part directly work in this case?

I thought of that but with the system im working on it would break

What are you referring to? The attachment or the position?

I’ve created this animation and the clipboard is rotated however when a player load the animation it looks like this

Couldn’t you just use a handle and use a plugin like ToolGripEditor to do the same effect?

Well I had no idea that excised ty

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