How would i be able to create a friends invite rewards system?

Basically i want to create a friends rewards system which when they invite a friend and that friend joins they get the player that invited the friend get + 1 invited and when they reach a x amount of invites they are eligable for a reward.

Basically how would i be able to give the invited to the player whenever he joins


You can do this via SocialService I believe.

You’re right, but i’m not sure how i would properly use it.

I think this has what you are looking for. You can use the launch data to determine if the player that just joined was invited or not.

you used to be able to do that with GameInvitePromptClosed it returned a list of user ids that the player invited but they removed that and now it just returns an empty table

As he specified in the post, he needs it to give the rewards when the player joins the game, not when they are invited. Also, any idea why the removed it?

Maybe with this :

You can let them generate referral codes, which they can then cash in for coin bonus to both