How to I turn the tool equip into a button?

Hello, so I’ve been having trouble with something. If you have played Saitama battlegrounds, then you might know about this. So, in Saitama battlegrounds, the devs were able to turn the tool equip into an actual button that you press. For example, you press 1 and it activates as a button and not equipping the tool. This is something that I am trying to do currently, can anyone help me with this?

You can do this by disabling the backpack entirely. To do this you just run game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false) on the client. From here, its as easy and binding the keys to certain actions via ContextActionService or UserInputService

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Oh wrd, Ima test this out if it works ima put you for solution

Alright, also, this will disable the GUI for the backpack, so you will have to make a custom one yourself.

Ohhh, and how do I do that? Got any suggestions or vids I could watch?

I don’t know, I haven’t watched a tutorial on it. The way I did was I duplicated a UI into a list layout based on the tools the player currently has, and when the tool goes into the player model, I play a little animation to show that it’s selected.

Then when they click the UI, equip and unequip the tool using Humanoid:EquipTool/UnEquiptool

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made my own lil custom hotbar , dk if i should drop :sob:

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