This question for all fighting game scripters out there

its not really an issue but a feedback, I’m making a combat system with OOP so far it goes good without a problem, i have came to the hitbox part of the script and i’m thinking of how should i do it… i’d most likely want to do it client sided but the whole script is in a module script that gets fired from server,
SO im just asking if it’d be okay to create remote function/remote event to fire the hitbox, get the Touched Players there and return it to the server again…? i’d appreciate any suggestions thanks


Yes, I’ve made combat systems, and various weapons and abilities that require hitboxes, and the only way I fire hitboxes is with remote events, get the touched parts, check for humanoid, then run the code all in a server script, so remote event from local to server side, which initiates the hitbox, then the hitbox checks for humanoids, ignores the player that fired the event then runs the code.