How to disable swearing on TextBox

Pretty self explanatory…

Should i make a table with every swear word on it? That would take alot of time also i dont know if it tags it automaticly

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Wow that was fast, but how do i use it?

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Right under methods it explains how you can add a filter inside your textbox;

TextService:FilterStringAsync(text, userId)
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Can u show me an example, like where should i use that line in a script

Sure, if I can find one of my old scripts lol

do u want it to filter every time they enter a new character, or when they finish typing?

When they finish typing, i have added a 'Done" button. Also all of this happens on a surface gui

okay, this should work:

local textService = game:GetService('TextService')
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

--Make sure 'yourTextBox' is a variable.
    yourTextBox.Text = textService:FilterStringAsync(yourTextBox.Text, player.UserId)

Thanks you! it works very fine.!

You’re welcome! Hope your game goes well!

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