Copies Inventory System

I would like to create an inventory system wear you can unbox swords. I want swords to be numbered/have copies. (For example you could open Sword #0002 then you or someone else would open Sword #0003 next and so on)

Anyone have any topics or anything they could send me to help.

Just copy an egg system that everyone has programmed from petsimX and replace “eggs” with swords. Also I suggest seperating the GUI’s, one for opening boxs, one for the actualy inventory.

Inventory System Template Created for Iceedfr!
I wanted to let you know that I’ve created the template you requested for the inventory system with sword unboxing. I appreciate your interest in the project, and I hope this template meets your requirements.

I have implemented the inventory system and GUI . The code provides functionality to unbox swords and assigns unique numbers to each sword. The swords are stored in the player’s inventory, which is created if it doesn’t exist.

Inventory System made by CGI_Eric.rbxl (50.3 KB)

Any links to where i would find a system like PSX?

It’s great but i want different players to unbox the numbered things seperated, sorry that doesnt really make sense so:

one person could open sword #0001 then another player (even in another server) would open sword #0002 next.

This can get a bit complicated because of the potential for data races. If 2 servers are trying to open a box at the same time, it’s not unlikely they will get the same sword. This is due to the latency in actually retrieving and storing the information. One might grab it, and award a sword and then another server grabs the same number right before the first one saves it again. Then the second one would try saving the same number. You need to find some way for them to agree and the easiest way for that is to make one parent server have final say in every interaction here. That way, only 1 server is actually allowed to access the data and is in charge of sending the data to the others preventing there from being a race condition.

There are other potential solutions like blocking out the swords in such a way that the servers actually reserve themselves some swords, but solutions like this can get very complicated and will not give swords in perfect order.