Disabling locked mouse in 1st person

I working on a GUI in a 1st person game but the player cannot navigate it with the mouse locked. Is there some setting or function to disable it? I cannot find one and I’m only finding ways to disable shift lock on the dev forum. Thanks

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Probably don’t let the max camera zoom reach 0 (so it doesn’t lock) but when the camera’s zoom is like 5 or smthn just set all of the Character’s body parts’ local transparency to 1.

Here’s and example if you’re confused:

-- Don’t let the Camera’s zoom get to 0 so it don’t lock
-- if Camera.Zoom == 5 then (forgot what the property is called lol)
for i, part in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
if part:IsA(“BasePart”) then
part.LocalTransparencyModifier = 1

This probably isn’t the best solution but it’s something that makes sense to me.

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