Custom FPS camera tilts the wrong way

I’m trying to create a custom camera controller for a first-person game, but the camera “tilts” instead of “nodding” when it looks to the side.

	uis.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter;
	delt = uis:GetMouseDelta();
	mX = math.rad(-delt.X);
	mY = math.rad(-delt.Y);
	mXA += mX;
	mYA = math.clamp(mYA+mY, math.rad(-80), math.rad(80));
	cam.CFrame = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(mYA, mXA, 0);

I tried using :ToObjectSpace but couldn’t figure out how to use it here. I also tried using sin and cos to switch between rotating the Y and Z axis based on the X but it was a little glitchy. So how could I stop it from tilting?
Any help is appreciated

Try using CFrame.fromOrientation instead.

cam.CFrame = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesYXZ(mYA, mXA, 0);

I didn’t know the order of the XYZ mattered, but ill try to look into it more thoroughly.


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