I want to turn a string such as “Part.Child” into a usable reference to get to a specific “destination”
I dont want to use loadstring as i have been told it is unsafe and using brackets like
below doesnt work
local reference = "Part.Child"
just to clear things up, everything I am using this for is client sided.
how would i go about converting a variable like that into a reference?
I have seen people split the string into other strings and recursively go through it, but I think there has to be a more optimal way to do this.
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I believe you can only put the name of the child that you are looking for, not a path. You would have to do:
local part = "Part"
local child = "Child"
As well as this, why would you need to do this in the first place? Can’t you just set a variable as an instance it use it from there?
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actually there is another way I can make my code work, but I am still interested in how i can turn a string into a reference.
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June 19, 2023, 3:44am
You could just split the string up by a given separator.
local function getByPath(root: Instance, path: string) -- in your case, 'path' is a string like `Part.Child`; 'root' would be the workspace
for _, split in path:split('.') do
root = assert(root:WaitForChild(split, 5), `Invalid path {path}! (got to {split})`)
return root