Can't use ChatMakeSystemMessage anymore?

game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {
	Text = "[HOST] hello",
	Color = Enum.ChatColor.Red,
	Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,
	TextSize = 18

I’m trying to use that code in a local script to make a system message, but it wont work at all. Its not even giving me any errors… I’m wondering if it was deprecated or smth. Thanks in advance.

Because of the new TextChatService, Basically.

Oh, I was wondering. Is there a replacement that allows me to put something in the chat box? I know how to make a part talk, I need the functionality of the text in the chat box. Thanks for the fast reply.


Oh thanks again. In what context do I use this? I saw the TextChannel object it kept referring to, but how do I access it?

I tried

local chat = game:GetService('TextChatService')


which of course did nothing.

Within TextChatService in the Explorer, there is a Folder called TextChannels, which contains TextChannels, you might need to wait for the TextChannels as they load in when the game starts.

One should be called RBXGeneral or something like that.

Very helpful again. I’ve managed to get it working finally, thank you.

Example code for system message(local):

local chat = game:GetService('TextChatService')
local channels = chat:FindFirstChild('TextChannels')
local system = channels:FindFirstChild('RBXSystem')


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