Yielding twice from a coroutine

I have an OOP infrastructure that has a function to interpolate the properties of a UnionOperation. Within the function that handles this - foo - there is an equality check that returns a RBXScriptConnection connected to a part’s Touched event firing:

local conn: RBXScriptConnection

if return_conn then
    conn = portal.Touched:Connect(function()

if return_conn then
    return conn

To simulate asynchronicity when interpolating, I create and resume a coroutine twice for two separate objects:

local c: thread
c = coroutine.create(module.foo)
local success, conn1: RBXScriptConnection = coroutine.resume(c, true)
local success, conn2: RBXScriptConnection = coroutine.resume(c, true)
print(success, conn1, conn2)

The issue I’m having is that only one connection is returned, ergo my output is:

true nil Connection

… whilst my expected output is:

true Connection Connection

I’m not sure how to yield values from my coroutine each time it is called? Any help would be appreciated!