I am kind of a starter and i made an animation with the popular animation plugin. I have an R6 humanoid and i made a walking animation. How do i get it to work?
IKControl isn’t really used for playing animations. In order to play an animation you need to play it from a script. IKControl is just used to make it so the object it is parented too goes towards another object.
Well, the plugin i used automatically turned the animation into IKControl with keyframes in it. What should i do then?
What plugin are you using? If it’s a random plugin then that is probably why it is doing that.
Oh well i’m not sure if i should say that.
Well I can’t help you if I can’t know what the plugin is because that is the cause of the issue.
Can i close the post and we can continue from private messages?
yeah we can do that but why is the plugin a secret?
You will understand when i message you lol.
I take it that the plugin is your own custom one?
I wouldn’t say that. That thing is definitely not mine.
I am so heavily confused with this situation ;-;
I can understand that yet i can’t say what i use.
Here is the pathfinding script you needed.
local PathfindingService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local path = PathfindingService:CreatePath()
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local TEST_DESTINATION = Vector3.new(100, 0, 100)
local waypoints
local nextWaypointIndex
local reachedConnection
local blockedConnection
local function followPath(destination)
-- Compute the path
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
path:ComputeAsync(character.PrimaryPart.Position, destination)
if success and path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success then
-- Get the path waypoints
waypoints = path:GetWaypoints()
-- Detect if path becomes blocked
blockedConnection = path.Blocked:Connect(function(blockedWaypointIndex)
-- Check if the obstacle is further down the path
if blockedWaypointIndex >= nextWaypointIndex then
-- Stop detecting path blockage until path is re-computed
-- Call function to re-compute new path
-- Detect when movement to next waypoint is complete
if not reachedConnection then
reachedConnection = humanoid.MoveToFinished:Connect(function(reached)
if reached and nextWaypointIndex < #waypoints then
-- Increase waypoint index and move to next waypoint
nextWaypointIndex += 1
-- Initially move to second waypoint (first waypoint is path start; skip it)
nextWaypointIndex = 2
warn("Path not computed!", errorMessage)
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