im making an r15 accessory that attaches to the left leg via RightHipRigAttachment but when it is parented to a playermodel it welds itself to the LowerTorso instead of RightUpperLeg
Isn’t the right hip rig attachment part of the lower torso?
Since we can’t see your script we can’t really help much.
Please post the script with 3 backticks (```) before and after it so it formats properly.
the right hip attachment is parented to the rightupperleg
the script just parents the accessories to the player
tool = script.Parent
rep = game.ReplicatedStorage.Armor
local lankle = rep.Magnetite["GreavesLA"]:Clone()
local rankle = rep.Magnetite.GreavesRA:Clone()
local leg = rep.Magnetite.GreavesLL:Clone()
local reg = rep.Magnetite.GreavesRL:Clone()
local plate = rep.Magnetite.Chestplate:Clone()
local help = rep.Magnetite.Helmet:Clone()
local playa = script.Parent.Parent
lankle.Parent = playa
rankle.Parent = playa
leg.Parent = playa
reg.Parent = playa
plate.Parent = playa
help.Parent = playa