Error on InsertScript and Player Backpack

Hello how are you? I’m having problems with my code, it serves to load an item and put it in the player’s inventory

This is my code:

event = game.ReplicatedStorage.UiWorldEvent.GetIten
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, id)
	-- id is the item id
	local getservice = game:GetService("InsertService")
	local loaded = getservice:LoadAsset(tostring(id))
	local item = getservice:Insert(loaded)
	item.Parent = player.Backpack

And when it runs, it resumes the following error:

 15:26:42.600  item ID is:116040828  -  Cliente - LocalScript:9
15:26:42.814  ServerScriptService.UIWorldEventsScript.itensgiver:7: attempt to index nil with 'Parent'
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InsertService:Insert is deprecated

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InsertService:Insert() doesn’t return an Instance, and it’s deprecated. Try to set the item’s parent directly from the loaded variable.

local loaded = getservice:LoadAsset(id)
loaded.Parent = player.Backpack

It worked, thanks :wink:

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