How Do I Return A Part

So i’m working on a project where a ball drops and will kill a player if they touch it but I need it to return to the position I originally set for the part how do I do that? If that makes sense…

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Hey @HexticDev

to do this it should be quite simple.

Create who’s parent is the ball

local Ball = script.Parent
local OriginalBallPosition = Ball.CFrame -- if it's a model do Ball.PrimaryPart.CFrame


Function managing the ball drop

if Ball.CFrame = OriginalBallPosition then
	Ball.Anchored = false


-- Function fired when the ball hits the player

	if Hit:IsA("Humanoid") then
		Hit.Health = 0
		Ball.CFrame = OriginalBallPosition

Should work. As soon as the player touches it, the player will die and the ball will return home and then fall again, creating a loop.

Let me know if there are any further questions!

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That’s you so much! I’ll try this when I get home!

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