I want to make a RNG like RNG World Cup.
Here is the link to the game: RNG World Cup
I recommend you play it before responding.
It will generate a random number and it could go on infinitely.
I can’t figure out how.
I have looked, but haven’t found any solutions.
Here is an example of how I think it works:
It generates a random number 0-9 and if it lands on 0 it will roll again and say if it rolls a 1 on the next try its output will be 0.1.
If you still don’t know what I mean say it lands on 0(0), but we will roll again and if we get another 0(0.0) then we will roll again and if it is 5 it will be 0.05 and so on.
(I don’t know if what I am saying is completely accurate)
? u showed Rng rolling decimals and i said that math.random(e1,e2) doesnt return decimals just like rng
so i printed math.random(1,100) 100 times where do u see a decimal at any point in time?