RemoteEvents not working

So, remoteevents just dont working. All things located in right places, Script in ServerScriptService, LocalScript in ScreenGui.TextButton, RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStorage
But, not working only RemoteEvents which I made today, remotes which i made 2-3 days ago working well


check is script.Parent.MouseButton1Click activating or not

its working, event just not firing
not working only event fire

check the MouseButton1Click event working, try to use game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”):WaitForChild(“RemoteEvent”)

do u have 2 same removeevents ???

not working both options, idk what to do lol

no, only 1 event with name “RemoteEvent”

did u replace the two variables of the remote event with what i gave you?

yes, i replaced two variables what you gave

copy the whole thing and move it into a new script one time it bugs for me like literally the whole client script/script doesnt even activate

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you didn’t assign the player argument when onserverevent
try adding player as a first argument on the onserverevent

it doesnt affect the script the player variable

well for some of my cases i get this error too, and the reason was always not assigning player argument

thanks, it worked when i moved server script

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