Help! It is a serious problem for me

I have a game about a bomb in which you need to have time to pass the bomb to the player, after the time runs out the bomb will explode. So that’s the problem, when a player touches another player, it all works fine, but the player who was touched, it looks like the player did not even touch him and the bomb was transferred to him. What is the problem? How to fix it?


It looks like you are using a LocalScript instead of a server script. Also, if turning it into a server script doesn’t work, please provide the code and a video example of the behavior you are experiencing.


I was scripting in serverscript


bro according to the script, everything is fine, but the problem is that, for example, the 1st player runs after the 2nd player and the 3rd player just watches in the spectator mode, so when the 1st player catches up with the 2nd player, everything looks fine and the 3rd player also sees that the first player touched the second , but the second player is different, he sees how they don’t touch him (from two meters) and the bomb is still transferred to him. Could this be a roblox delay? Or Internet lags?


Wait, so this is just purely a visual thing? Again, I don’t understand your issue. If the issue is that Player 3 sees the bomb before the character touches it, then this is not a problem on your part and is just a result of lag. But, if the bomb shows up too early, it may just be a problem with which hitbox you are using to track the bomb touching.


it seems to me that when a player is touched this is a visual bug that they touch him for 2 meters, but from the other players it all looks great. Only this visual bug really annoys the players, they think that they have time to escape, but still the bomb is transferred to them and the player who was catching up is 2 meters behind the player. So I want to fix this. How to fix this bug?


There is no solution to network lag, other than that player simply getting better internet or the Roblox server being closer to them. One you can fix this issue:

Is by using some sort of animation on their screen for when the bombs get transferred to them. This is help indicate and alert them to when the bomb is received by them and removes the confusion. Other than that, you can’t really fix this.


This is probably the best guess, network lag can’t really be fixed.

However may I ask, was there any context that wasn’t given or missed within this topic? I just want to make sure that there is nothing else interfering with the game. Do you have any specific code or footage that might better explain the issue?


robloxapp-20230629-1255152.wmv (2.2 MB)
Just watch this and you will understand my problem


Yeah, as he said, this is an unfixable problem and can only be solved by the player simply getting better internet. The best you can try to do is make an animation for the bomb getting transferred.


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