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I’m pretty sure you need to change the anchor point of your camera model (only the part that spins) and align it with the pole thing. Have you tried that? If you do it, the camera should rotate from the given anchor point, and it will not look weird. Your anchor point is probably in the middle, which makes it rotate along with its middle point and not the point of the pole.

No, you can, it’s called PivotOffset.
Look the video below, see how it rotates along side the point I gave it? You need that.

Sadly you can’t, it’s not scriptable. You can check that in the documentation.
You need to do it manually from studio as far as I know.

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Well actually there is :PivotTo(), but I’m not sure if that will work.

Yeah, I just noticed that, but it’s recommended to do it manually from Studio, but if you really need to script it that badly then I guess that is what you need.

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Not sure if CFrame.Angles is the best way to do it. Maybe try another method?
Here are some:

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Maybe try the origin instead of CFrame? I have no idea myself.

The tweening/rotating with CFrame doesn’t automatically “consider” the pivot. You should take pivot as an offset

Have you tried this? Rotating a part using pivot points - #3 by KJry_s

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