Randomize Tree Spawns

Hi, I have a tree script. This script makes the tree fall after 5 hits with an axe. The tree respawns in the same place. I want to know how to make the tree spawns be more randomized. The location would be randomized inside of an invisible, non collidable, part.


okay so this is what you need to do.

you get the position by doing this:
local radius = 10 — set the radius of the random position
local randomTreePosition = vector3.new(math.random(-radius, radius), 0, math.random(-radius, radius))

then you raycast on that position to get the height (Y)

and you set the trees position doing:
randomTreePosition + vector3.new(0, raycast.Hit.Position.Y, 0)


Would the radius just be the size of the invisible part? I already have a part that is supposed to be the range


technically you dont need the part. If you really want to keep it for visualisation you can do this.

local part = workspace.part
local xRadius = part.Size.X/2
local zRadius = part.Size.Z/2
local randomTreePosition = part.Position + vector3.new(math.random(-xRadius , xRadius ), 0, math.random(-zRadius , zRadius ))

I’m going to interpret this as you have a bunch of predetermined positions that you made in a folder/group.

First, do something like this:
I will assume your spawn points are in Workspace, named “TreeSpawns”

local TreeSpawnsModel = workspace.TreeSpawns
local TreeSpawns = TreeSpawns:GetChildren()
local TotalSpawns = rawlen(TreeSpawns)
local Rand = Random.new()

local function GetRandomSpawn()
  local RandomPos = Rand:NextInteger(1, TotalSpawns)
  local Spawn = TreeSpawns[RandomPos]
  -- Spawn is now your spawn part, and you can clone and position your tree to it. Don't forget to parent the new tree.
  return Spawn -- Return the spawn part so we can use this as a function.

-- Assume this is used in a spawn loop (every 60 seconds or so)
while true do
  local NewSpawn = GetRandomSpawn()
  -- You can do your spawn logic with your trees with the NewSpawn variable.

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