How could I list all the players banned in this datastore?

So I have a script that adds players and bans them based on input from an admin to a gui. But I wanna make a list of all the globally banned players, which I cant seem to figure out with roblox’ help websites. Basically, How could I get a list of all players in my datastore and put them in a useable format for a UI list layout inside a scrolling frame.

local bandata = datastoreservice:GetDataStore("TimedBans")

	local uid = game.Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(plrtoban)
	local ostime = os.time() 
	local days = tonumber(days) 
	local hours = tonumber(hours)
	local minutes = tonumber(minutes)	
	local d = (days or 0) * 86400 
	local h = (hours or 0) * 3600
	local m = (minutes or 0) * 60
	local combine = d + h + m
	if combine == 0 then
		combine = 9223372036854775807

	local length = combine + ostime 
	local table2 = {uid,length,reason} 
	if game.Players:FindFirstChild(plrtoban) == nil then
		print("Not in server")
		game.Players:FindFirstChild(plrtoban):Kick("You have been banned\n For: ".. reason .." Time ".. timemsg .."") 


use a uilistconstraint and loop through the ban list

I dont know how to access the ban list tho…

grab the ban datastore via a remoteevent on the client

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ok I can try. It really isnt that big of a deal if it doesnt work tbh