How do I make the TouchGui for mobile work when click over my own UI Elements?

I’ve tried going into the TouchGui in the PlayerGui and make the Zindex higher than my other UI element but that didn’t work I also even tried to set the behavior to global on both UIs but that didnt work either

Could you please explain a bit more of what you are trying do its unclear what you are doing.

I mean its pretty straight forward I said that I want the mobile UI aka the thumbstick to be able to work over other UI elements

Have you tried setting your own Ui elements’s zIndex to 0 specifically 0

Yes, I’ve even set it to

That didn’t work, unsuprisingly,
I looked for other posts on this issue but only found one but it never got a solution

You sent a screen shot of -100000000 while i said 0 it does make difference so if you could try 0
and come back to me and tell me if that works if it doesn’t then i know what is the problem

No I mean I did try 0 and then i tried -100000000, sorry mb

also its just on ui element aswell

could you run a play test and from your Client Side screen shot the PlayerGui’s Components and send it here

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Oh okay let me do that also this is like the UI im talking about


Have you tried going into the Player’sGui after the player loads and changing the zindex of the TouchControlFrame to higher zindex ?

Yeah I have tried making everything in the TouchGui a higher index but just nothing is working I dont know why

That is suppose to work try makin a post on Bug section because that is how the roblox engine works and it should do what you have did so its a bug.

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Im just wondering have you tried to do this and it’s worked for you?

Also i dont even think I can post in #bug-reports:engine-bugs

Yeah and i have tried it actually now with Normal Gui and it doesn’t work so yeah i’m sure they will fix it soon tho

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