Keep gettting Right To Erasure notices for games without datastores

I haven’t seen anything related to this, so if anyone can help that’d be great.

Recently I’ve been getting Roblox messages about Right To Erasure in one of my older games, however, the game has no datastores. It was a fairly popular game that was just a one-time play to experience it. No datastores were needed. Although, I still keep getting the messages even though I have no datastores in the game at all. Does anyone know why this is happening?

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I don’t think it matters if a game has a data store or not. Notices are nothing but warnings about user ids requesting data deletion, Roblox doesn’t have a system in place to check if you actually store any data because it’s complicated to actually check that. For example, data could be stored in multiple ways other than datastores, like being hardcoded into a game or through an API of an external datastore(or even HTTP requests to sites like Pastebin, etc). Also, another important issue is if the data is shown anywhere within the game itself, for example, if a player is requesting data deletion(for example if they delete their account), are they on a public leaderboard that everyone can see their old username/display name and profile picture? or the data is just something like coins that are only visible to others if they join the game(for example as leaderstats)?.


I have never heard of ROBLOX sending a “Right to Erase” notice before. Can you not just accept it and say that you deleted the non-existant data?

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For some reason it doesn’t allow replies, nor confirmation. I don’t really even see the point in these anyways.

Right To Erasure requests are sent regardless whether or not you have datastores in the game at the time of them sending the message, but usually they are only sent whenever there used to be datastores in the game, and in your case if data is even used inside the game at all. Roblox sends the message in case if you are using an external database, storing data elsewhere, or have been using DataStoreService. If you have no data on the user asking to be removed, then you should be fine!

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