How can I make this work?

So I have an idea for a Roblox game that works like the stock market.

Is it possible for me to script a situation where one person buys a stock with real Robux, and that Robux goes to someone else who sells the stock? I don’t know if it’s possible because of Roblox’s taxes.

If this is possible, could someone explain this to me or give me a workaround that works almost as well? Thank you for any help!



local function BuyStock(player, stockName, amount)
    -- Deduct the appropriate amount of Robux from the player's account
    local price = GetStockPrice(stockName) * amount
    local success, err = pcall(function()
        MarketplaceService:PromptProductPurchase(player, StockProductIds[stockName], nil, nil, true)
    if not success then
        error("Purchase failed: " .. err)

    -- Store the transaction in a separate datastore
    local TransactionsStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("TransactionsStore")
    local transaction = {
        type = "buy",
        player = player.UserId,
        stock = stockName,
        amount = amount,
        price = price,
        timestamp = os.time()
    TransactionsStore:SetAsync(tostring(os.time()), transaction)

    -- Give the player the appropriate amount of stocks
    local StocksStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("StocksStore")
    local stocks = StocksStore:GetAsync(player.UserId) or {}
    stocks[stockName] = (stocks[stockName] or 0) + amount
    StocksStore:SetAsync(player.UserId, stocks)

the MarketplaceService takes a 30% commission on all sales

and use

local MarketplaceService = game: GetService ( "MarketplaceService")