How to remove the escape menu/ roblox logo

Hi I want to remove the escape menu. To add it back without the player list in the menu . I know how to add it back. I just don know how to remove it. This code sample I assume use to work because it was the solution to past posts I read with this problem but doesn’t work now.

game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Name = "random name"

If anyone has a solution or any comment on the matter it would be greatly appreciated to comment it here.

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You can’t remove the default menu and you aren’t supposed to. The menu is a core GUI element and is protected through script security so attempting to change anything will throw an error. Past methods used glitches to remove the menu and have likely been patched.


Are you asking how to disable the PlayerList?

game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList, false)


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Developers aren’t allowed to modify any CoreGuis or overlay non-CoreGuis on top of them for security reasons besides any API that are available to developers (e.g. via SetCore or SetCoreGuiEnabled), up to and including creating misleading prompts using official interfaces.

You should never have a use case for removing the menu and any existing methods to remove it should be reported as bugs instead of shared around.

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Yes I’m asking about removing the playerlist ,but not the playerlist leaderboard I’m asking about the player list in the menu because I’m working on a horror game with fake players and I’m just trying to make it harder to differentiate between rule and fake one.


I just thought removing the escape menu and adding the menu back without out the playerlist in it was an easy solution

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Ok sorry I wasnt trying to do anything malicious just trying to find a way to make a horror game with fake players that you cant tell are fake

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This is impossible. You cannot modify the default GUI’s whatsoever except for elements that can be changed through certain StarterGui methods. Removing elements from the menu overlay isn’t possible.

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While I agree with your idea and motives, malicious users could abuse what you said with scams by faking admins in game

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Thank you to everyone on this post who has helped me realize that I should not be removing the menu due to security reasons.

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