String Pattern Help

I’m making a script that replaces string patterns with another string. I’ve got most things working but I need string.match to match just a dot (.) but not a dot with a percentage symbol in front of it(%.). I’ve tried many things but none of them have worked.


May you send your code so I can view it?

I’ve tried

string.match("[^%%]*.", replacement)

but that hasn’t worked

Can you show me what you are attempting to replace?

do you mean you want to replace periods?:

local String = string.gsub("Test.Hello","[\.]","Test")


Would error at run-time. This would only work if it was Regex.

What do you mean?

local String = string.gsub("Test.Hello.New","[\.]","Test")


Just tried running it on a Lua 5.1 compiler and errored, strange.

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No I want to replace periods that have % in front of them
“%.” would get replaced but not “.”

local String = string.gsub("Test.Hello.New","[\\.]","Test")


This works fine though.

local Pattern = "%%%."
local Pattern = "%%%."
local String = "%."

String = String:gsub(Pattern, ".")

Sorry I meant it the other way around; “%.” wouldn’t get replaced but “.” would

So you want to replace a “.” to “%.”?

No what “.” will be replaced with isn’t really relevant. I need “.” to be replaced and not “%.”
“.” can have any character in front of it except “%” to be replaced

So you just want periods to be replaced

local Pattern = "%."
local String = "Hey. How are you."

String = String:gsub(Pattern, "Replacement")
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This kind of works but “%.” also gets replaced, when it shouldn’t.

Let me try cook something up real quick.

local string = "'.' | '%.'"
local pattern = "([^%%])%."
local replacement = "Hey"

string = string:gsub(pattern, "%1" .. replacement)